Survey page

First, go to GSAC's member page to verify your information HERE. Complete and Submit this survey ONLY if there's a change.

Please give me your full name, i.e.; Jane Doe.

Are you currently a member of this chapter?
Yes - please continue with survey
No - you do not need to proceed further.

Is your name on the site the way you like it?
No - I want my name to show as input above.

Is your organization on the site the way you like it?
No, the correct information is... (i.e.; Podunk, Inc.)

Is your preferred email on the site the way you like it?
No, the correct information is... (i.e.;

Is your preferred phone number on the site the way you like it?
No, the correct information is... (i.e.; 210-555-1512)

If applicable, is your GSAC position, NCMA title, and / or certification on the site? (i.e.; Director, CACM, etc.)
No, the correct information is...

I would make the GSAC NCMA page as my homepage or as a popular bookmark if the following suggestions were implemented:

Please select at least ONE of the below.
I would be interested in the following positions:

To select more than one of the above, hold the "Ctrl" key while left-clicking your mouse.

<--Please press this button only ONCE.
After you've finished you may return to the main page by clicking the below image.

homepage.gif (8101 bytes)